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Accessibility Review

Accessibility Review

UNDERSTAND ALL YOUR USERS | Accessibility Monitoring

Web accessibility focuses on how solutions and online tools are created, designed and maintained so that not only people with disabilities, but everybody, can use them with ease and confidence. Web-based solutions that are truly web accessible allow people to: Perceive, understand, navigate and interact with them, and contribute to progressive functionality.

Web accessibility includes all disabilities that affect access to online systems and also takes into account other factors independent of disability, such as; people using mobile phones or smart watches, older people with changing abilities, people with “situational limitations” such as bright sunlight, and people using a limited internet connection. We have so much more to say on this subject! Either download our Accessibility Package Factsheet.pdf[pdf] 1MB, or check out our upcoming events and join an Accessibility webinar for more information.

Read about WCAG 2.2 Talk to us about Accessibility