Case Study | Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Website



Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CFT) provides a range of mental health and physical health services to children and adults across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

As the Trust covers a wide geographical area, it was essential that the intranet could be accessed at anytime, in any location, and on any device. VerseOne provided CFT with an innovative solution that could deliver this high degree of frictionless access

The Challenge

In order to ensure that all staff could access the information and documentation they need, in a frictionless and flexible way, CFT required a solution that would:

  • Put user needs at the centre of functionality, with tools like Staff Directory—that allows staff to easily find other team members
  • Be easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing, whilst maintaining the Trust’s broad principles for the intranet
  • Be “mobile-first” by design
  • Provide a customisable, scalable technical solution for potential integrations with other organisations
  • Provide a mechanism for document control, with improved search

The Solution

CFT dedicated over a year to research the market and gathering the requirements they needed in order to deliver an intranet that would truly meet the needs of the organisation. This process highlighted a number of priorities—including sector experience, extensive out-of-the-box functionality, an NHS orientated document library, and frictionless Single Sign-On.

With our solution matching all of these criteria and more, VerseOne were selected through a competitive tender process; after which, VerseOne began to work collaboratively with CFT to author a comprehensive project plan. With almost no alteration to a plan involving stakeholder workshops, creative design, solution training and technical implementation, the proof that VerseOne’s project delivery methodology worked was clear for all to see.

Included within this functionally rich and robust solution, the Room Booking module was highlighted as a real benefit to CFT. With enthusiastic take-up of this popular module, the Trust believes they will save in the region of £147k in venue booking fees alone this year. This, amongst the other benefits, such as increased engagement, and easier adherence to governance and compliance processes and information—shows that an intranet that is robust, flexible, and built-for-purpose can give real and measurable RoI.