Digital Empowerment for the NHS

Building intuitive and inclusive web experiences for the NHS community


NHS Events

  1. Understand your audience part 1: Google Analytics, SEO & Heat Mapping

    Recurring event

    Event types

    •    NHS

    Event summary

    In today’s digital landscape, you need to have the right message and be seen in the right places to stand out from the competition. But, how can you optimise your online presence if you don&r


    1. From £0.00
  2. How to: Use graphic design to boost your brand

    Recurring event

    Event types

    •    NHS

    Event summary

    This session forms part of a series called "How to:" which give practical tips, industry best practice and useful takeaways you can implement today to enhance your skillset in the area of


    1. From £0.00
  3. How to: Implement key UI & UX design principles

    Recurring event

    Event types

    •    NHS

    Event summary

    This session forms part of a series called "How to:" which give practical tips, industry best practice and useful takeaways you can implement today to enhance your skillset in the area of


    1. From £0.00
  4. How digital life stories help people living with Dementia and cognitive impairment

    Recurring event

    Event types

    •    NHS

    Event summary

    Across the UK, more than 944,000 people are living with Dementia. 

    People living with memory loss may experience problems with communication and struggle to tell health professionals


    1. From £0.00
  5. Understand your audience part 2: Persona Development

    Recurring event

    Event types

    •    NHS

    Event summary

    To get inside the mind of your audience, you need to really get to know them.

    Not just where they look for information – to truly understand your audience you need to look at the bi


    1. From £0.00

What do our customers say?

Testimonial - Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

profile image  

All of your team have been amazing, they’ve been so flexible to our ideas and have quickly reacted to any issues along the way, it’s a pleasure working with them

Charlotte Burton - Head of Communications

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust - Website


RD - Testimonial - RD&E


I just wanted to write to you to say a huge thank you to and your team for all the work that’s gone into launching our new intranet.

We’ve received nothing but excellent customer service from your team, and for that I’m very grateful.

Becky Parry - Communications Manager

RD&E - Intranet

RD - Testimonial - Cornwall

profile image

Always accommodating to all requests, thank you.

Karen - Communications

Cornwall - Website and Intranet


Testimonial - Barts NHS Trust

Profile image

We run both our website and intranet through the VerseOne CMS. It offers flexibility and control over content and reduces work when publishing to multiple platforms, we’ve found the team responsive and flexible to work with.

Megan Skinner - Head of Engagement

Barts NHS Trust - Intranet


RD - Testimonial - Hillingdon

profile image

‘It’s brilliant and smooth operating….everyone here is very happy!’

Lucy Wills - Digital Comms Manager

Hilling Hospitals - Website


RD - Testimonial - Nelft

profile image

The service from you all is always outstanding!

Mandy Daisley - Head of Communications

NELFT - Website and Intranet


Testimonial - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT)

profile image  

The new site is so much more accessible, engaging, and mobile-friendly, and we can also share content through social media. We are getting closer to the website our patients and carers say they want.”

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust - website




Amplifying the Lived Experiences of East London communities.

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    The Challenge

    We want to hear the voices of those often not heard or listened to. What is your lived reality?

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    The Solution

    This is a community based project to understand the lived experiences and needs of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities in East London.


Barts - Amplifying lives



Amplifying the Lived Experiences of East London communities.

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    The Challenge

    We want to hear the voices of those often not heard or listened to. What is your lived reality?

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    The Solution

    This is a community based project to understand the lived experiences and needs of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities in East London.


Barts - Amplifying lives



Amplifying the Lived Experiences of East London communities.

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    The Challenge

    We want to hear the voices of those often not heard or listened to. What is your lived reality?

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    The Solution

    This is a community based project to understand the lived experiences and needs of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities in East London.


Barts - Amplifying lives



Light and Dark mode to help staff on wards.

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    The Challenge

    Current provider 'retired' their solution so BWC had to find a sustainable, futureproofed replacement.

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    The Solution

    Building a microsite intranet within their pre-existing CMS installation allowing them to share content between both web and intranet.


BWC - Intranet



Light and Dark mode to help staff on wards.

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    The Challenge

    Current provider 'retired' their solution so BWC had to find a sustainable, futureproofed replacement.

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    The Solution

    Building a microsite intranet within their pre-existing CMS installation allowing them to share content between both web and intranet.


BWC - Intranet



Light and Dark mode to help staff on wards.

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    The Challenge

    Current provider 'retired' their solution so BWC had to find a sustainable, futureproofed replacement.

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    The Solution

    Building a microsite intranet within their pre-existing CMS installation allowing them to share content between both web and intranet.


BWC - Intranet



Remote access anywhere, anytime

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    The Challenge

    The current solution was limited to on site access only and with covid the trust needed to be able to access from anywhere.

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    The Solution

    Using OIDC to integrate with the trust's Azure AD allowing full access from anywhere, anytime on any device.


C&I - Intranet



Remote access anywhere, anytime

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    The Challenge

    The current solution was limited to on site access only and with covid the trust needed to be able to access from anywhere.

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    The Solution

    Using OIDC to integrate with the trust's Azure AD allowing full access from anywhere, anytime on any device.


C&I - Intranet



Remote access anywhere, anytime

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    The Challenge

    The current solution was limited to on site access only and with covid the trust needed to be able to access from anywhere.

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    The Solution

    Using OIDC to integrate with the trust's Azure AD allowing full access from anywhere, anytime on any device.


C&I - Intranet



Shine a light on the great charity work.

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    The Challenge

    Charity needed its own online presence to help increase visibilty of the work they do and generate more donations.

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    The Solution

    Microsite within the Croydon installation with an integrated payment button, allowing them to increase the number of donations.


Croydon Health Charity



Shine a light on the great charity work.

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    The Challenge

    Charity needed its own online presence to help increase visibilty of the work they do and generate more donations.

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    The Solution

    Microsite within the Croydon installation with an integrated payment button, allowing them to increase the number of donations.


Croydon Health Charity



Shine a light on the great charity work.

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    The Challenge

    Charity needed its own online presence to help increase visibilty of the work they do and generate more donations.

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    The Solution

    Microsite within the Croydon installation with an integrated payment button, allowing them to increase the number of donations.


Croydon Health Charity



A safe space for online support

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    The Challenge

    Create a safe space for individuals to find support and access to sexual health information and clinics.

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    The Solution

    ​Each person is seen and treated confidentially as an individual to discuss, in a safe and open environment, sexual health and well being, so they feel empowered to make informed choices about their sexual health.


London North West - Sexual Health



A safe space for online support

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    The Challenge

    Create a safe space for individuals to find support and access to sexual health information and clinics.

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    The Solution

    ​Each person is seen and treated confidentially as an individual to discuss, in a safe and open environment, sexual health and well being, so they feel empowered to make informed choices about their sexual health.


London North West - Sexual Health



A safe space for online support

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    The Challenge

    Create a safe space for individuals to find support and access to sexual health information and clinics.

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    The Solution

    ​Each person is seen and treated confidentially as an individual to discuss, in a safe and open environment, sexual health and well being, so they feel empowered to make informed choices about their sexual health.


London North West - Sexual Health



Empower students to take control of their recovery journey

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    The Challenge

    Provide support to students and reduce administrative workloads and streamline processes.

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    The Solution

    Give staff the tools and time to support the students every step of the way with an end-to-end solution.


Wellbeing & Recovery College



Empower students to take control of their recovery journey

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    The Challenge

    Provide support to students and reduce administrative workloads and streamline processes.

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    The Solution

    Give staff the tools and time to support the students every step of the way with an end-to-end solution.


Wellbeing & Recovery College



Empower students to take control of their recovery journey

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    The Challenge

    Provide support to students and reduce administrative workloads and streamline processes.

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    The Solution

    Give staff the tools and time to support the students every step of the way with an end-to-end solution.


Wellbeing & Recovery College



Integrated care across Northamptonshire

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    The Challenge

    Integrated care is about giving people the support they need, joined up across the NHS, local councils, voluntary and community organisations, and other partners.

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    The Solution

    ​A fresh, clean design within the Northamptonshire NHS existing installation, allowing a quick turn around of the project and easy ongoing maintenance.


Northamptonshire ICS



Integrated care across Northamptonshire

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    The Challenge

    Integrated care is about giving people the support they need, joined up across the NHS, local councils, voluntary and community organisations, and other partners.

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    The Solution

    ​A fresh, clean design within the Northamptonshire NHS existing installation, allowing a quick turn around of the project and easy ongoing maintenance.


Northamptonshire ICS



Integrated care across Northamptonshire

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    The Challenge

    Integrated care is about giving people the support they need, joined up across the NHS, local councils, voluntary and community organisations, and other partners.

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    The Solution

    ​A fresh, clean design within the Northamptonshire NHS existing installation, allowing a quick turn around of the project and easy ongoing maintenance.


Northamptonshire ICS


Royal Surrey Maternity | The first of its kind maternity portal!

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    The Challenge

    To develop a single source of information for maternity services for mothers, including events to replace expensive third party platforms.

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    The Solution

    ​First of its kind portal including pregnancy timeline with integrated recurring events with Stripe integrated payment gateway.



Royal Surrey Maternity | The first of its kind maternity portal!

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    The Challenge

    To develop a single source of information for maternity services for mothers, including events to replace expensive third party platforms.

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    The Solution

    ​First of its kind portal including pregnancy timeline with integrated recurring events with Stripe integrated payment gateway.


Royal Surrey Maternity | The first of its kind maternity portal!

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    The Challenge

    To develop a single source of information for maternity services for mothers, including events to replace expensive third party platforms.

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    The Solution

    ​First of its kind portal including pregnancy timeline with integrated recurring events with Stripe integrated payment gateway.



Provide a unique, entising focus on recruitment

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    The Challenge

    Increase recruitment without investing lots into recruiters and ad campaigns.

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    The Solution

    ​Using the page styles available within the CMS to create a unique section of the site focused on recruitment and promoting the benefits of the trust.


Princess Alexandra Hospital



Provide a unique, entising focus on recruitment

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    The Challenge

    Increase recruitment without investing lots into recruiters and ad campaigns.

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    The Solution

    ​Using the page styles available within the CMS to create a unique section of the site focused on recruitment and promoting the benefits of the trust.


Princess Alexandra Hospital



Provide a unique, entising focus on recruitment

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    The Challenge

    Increase recruitment without investing lots into recruiters and ad campaigns.

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    The Solution

    ​Using the page styles available within the CMS to create a unique section of the site focused on recruitment and promoting the benefits of the trust.


Princess Alexandra Hospital



Leading experts in psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience

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    The Challenge

    Create a site to showcase the range of available consultants and therapists.

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    The Solution

    ​Using the consultant and service directory to create an easy to search and manage repository of consultants.


Maudsley private healthcare



Leading experts in psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience

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    The Challenge

    Create a site to showcase the range of available consultants and therapists.

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    The Solution

    ​Using the consultant and service directory to create an easy to search and manage repository of consultants.


Maudsley private healthcare



Leading experts in psychiatry, psychology and neuroscience

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    The Challenge

    Create a site to showcase the range of available consultants and therapists.

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    The Solution

    ​Using the consultant and service directory to create an easy to search and manage repository of consultants.


Maudsley private healthcare



To support people to live healthier lives.

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    The Challenge

    A partnership of organisations working together – with staff, patients, their carers, families and the public, needing multiple sites across the organisations.

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    The Solution

    ​Multiple sites with the same base design, but unique branding to show the sites are part of the same partnership but give each its own unique feel.


Surrey Heartlands - Website



To support people to live healthier lives.

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    The Challenge

    A partnership of organisations working together – with staff, patients, their carers, families and the public, needing multiple sites across the organisations.

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    The Solution

    ​Multiple sites with the same base design, but unique branding to show the sites are part of the same partnership but give each its own unique feel.


Surrey Heartlands - Website



To support people to live healthier lives.

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    The Challenge

    A partnership of organisations working together – with staff, patients, their carers, families and the public, needing multiple sites across the organisations.

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    The Solution

    ​Multiple sites with the same base design, but unique branding to show the sites are part of the same partnership but give each its own unique feel.


Surrey Heartlands - Website



Integration is the key

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    The Challenge

    Staff focused intranet that would allow them to integrate with sharepoint and further systems

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    The Solution

    GraphAPI integration that futureproofs the intranet for further integrations down the line, including staff directory, teams and more.


Berkshire - Intranet



Integration is the key

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    The Challenge

    Staff focused intranet that would allow them to integrate with sharepoint and further systems

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    The Solution

    GraphAPI integration that futureproofs the intranet for further integrations down the line, including staff directory, teams and more.


Berkshire - Intranet



Integration is the key

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    The Challenge

    Staff focused intranet that would allow them to integrate with sharepoint and further systems

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    The Solution

    GraphAPI integration that futureproofs the intranet for further integrations down the line, including staff directory, teams and more.


Berkshire - Intranet

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